About YouTube

About Youtube



Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen


14th February, 2005


Entertainment Website






30+ Billion/Month


Estimated 1+ Billion USD

About YouTube Company

YouTube is a video sharing-platform which is founded by Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen in February 14, 2005. It is an American video-sharing platform which is headquartered in San Bruno, California and operates as Google’s subsidiary. Google bought this site for US$1.65 billion in November 2006.

YouTube provides access to its users to view, upload, share, add to playlists, rate, comment on videos, report and subscribe to other users.

About YouTube Services

YouTube offers a wide variety of corporate and user- generated media videos which includes audio recordings, video clips, music videos, short and documentary films, TV show clips, movie trailers, live streams etc.

YouTube provides other content such as educational videos, short original videos, and blogging.

Although some media corporations such as Vevo, CBS, BBC and Hulu offer some material via YouTube as a part of its partnership deal, but most of the contents are uploaded by individuals on YouTube.

Registered users not only permitted to upload unlimited videos but also allowed to comment on videos on the contrary Unregistered users only permitted to watch Videos on YouTube.

Benefits Of YouTube

YouTube is a well known internet search- engine web site which provides you various benefits.

The most important benefits of YouTube are given below:-

  1. YouTube is a video-sharing platform.

This is a video-sharing website, people can share videos here and have to pay nothing for views and uploading.

  1. You can watch and download videos.

There are different kinds of videos on YouTube which are downloadable with their audio clips.

  1. Like, dislike, subscribe and comment options on Videos.

YouTube has different option buttons, you can like, dislike, comment and subscribe to any video with the help of these buttons.

  1. If you want to learn any kind of skills then YouTube is the best option.

YouTube can be used for knowledge. We can learn almost everything on YouTube such as English, Coding, Business management etc.

  1. You can watch movies for business and career.

YouTube provides you many channels of business training and carrier movies so that you can watch these videos and can start your own business.

  1. YouTube can teach you many skills that you want to learn.

There are many tutorials on YouTube which can teach you many skills. And after learning and practicing on those skills, you can also teach these skills to others.

  1. You can upload your own videos on YouTube.

You can upload any kind of videos for your channel on YouTube and people will be able watch your videos on YouTube in any country.

  1. You can share useful videos on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

If you like any video on YouTube you can share it with your friends.

  1. You can earn money on YouTube for your videos.

You can use Google AdSense services in order to earn money through monetization, and you can sign up for AdSense account with your Gmail ID.